Every month we offer a discount on one of our popular designs and this month it’s the Multiblock Double Brim MBC5.
The MBC5 can be used either way up in conjunction with an extension and a tip (the green hat was blocked with the MBE2 and MB7) to give two differently angled shallow brims. It also works fantastically with a trilby crown. The string groove is an optional extra. The stylish green hat below is by Georgiana Millinery by Sally Ashlin and the fab orange example was made by Roxanne Willard, both in the UK.
If you would like to add the MBE2 extension and the MB7 tip then we are happy to extend the 15% discount to these two pieces also, when you buy all three.
Check out previous ‘block of the month’ pages for some more inspiration (discounts no longer apply!)